Thursday, 7 December 2006

Happy birthday to me......

This morning, I'm really blessed to have my darling gal and hubby with me on my bday.....although the celebrations have not started yet, hearing my gal singing a birthday song to me is enuff for me to get thru the day....she is just so cute and hearing her singing in her baby voice is just so im working and my temp staff gave me a surprise....a small choc muffin with a candle on's like a minature bday's just so nice...and im going to cry soon.....anyway...tears aside, went out wz jasmine yesterday and she gave me a treat at's just so nice...two of us drinking and munching on finger food....then a guy wanted to share the table wz us and we said ok....he introduced himself as terence and wanted to buy us drinks, which we declined as that would mean we have to make small talk wz them and i was not in the mood to make small talk wz guys...besides, i just wanted to chill out and relax wz after we had our drinks and food, it was time to head we awalked out, jas told me that the guy was waiting for us to say bye to him....which i told her what for? if i wanted to be picked up by guys, why do i need to wait when i can do it there and then? Man....when u offer to share table wz thme, they expect something in typical of them.....

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