Wednesday, 24 January 2007

Tired....and sick....

I'm having a very bad cough now...just went to see the company doc and he says it throat inflammation...guess as much....coz on Monday, my throat started to feel very swollen...must be too much buffalo wings on Sunday @ now, I just need to drink loads of water, avoid the usual suspects, eg, oily, fried, sweet and other devils...hopefully it will get better soon.

It seems that the mgt of my company is deciding whether if they shld close down my dept as the shows we hv are just not making $$$...well, the shows will make money but the ppl is spending it like no tmr so that's a bit diffcult for the show to profit...and I also hv to shoot myself in the foot as the boat team ppl wants me to help them to chase contracts and after the meeting on monday, they also want me to assist in boat tech asia...sigh what did i get myself into???

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