Tuesday, 9 January 2007

She who claims to be my best friend.......

She, my best friend, said that she would come to my aid when I need help or when I'm in trouble. Over the years, I have given her numerous help, be it emotional or financial. And when she got married, she insisted that I must attend her wedding, even though I told her I can't go as my grandma had passed away and I was in mourning. She was not happy, so I relented and just attended for a short while. When she got pregnant, she says that I'm to be her child's godma. When I got married, she came over and helped me with my wedding. But the funny thing is, 2 of my angbaos went missing, as she was helping me to keep them. I have suspected that she have pocketed it but she insisted that she did not see them at all. I just kept quiet and thought maybe it might have fallen out. And when I had my gal, she wanted to be her godma, so I said ok. I was thinking to myself, at least it's quite fair as her son is my godson. Then one day, she said that she needed to borrow $3k as she have taken a cash advance from her credit card to help her mother to pay off the debt that her brother had incurred and she didn't want to let her husband know. I was thinking, $3k is alot of money. Should I lend it to her? So I went to take a personal loan of $6k, which $3k is to help her. She have agreed to give me back $100 per month at first, which was ok with me as she is taking 1/2 the loan. But as the months went by, she said that $100 was too much for her, can she pay me %50 instead? I told her, it's not possible as I also have commitments and she have to pay $100. She begged and pleaded, and finally I agreed. Then came her house. She have just bought s 5-rm flat in punggol field and was doing her renovations. She then told me that she can't pay me in mar and apr as she is doing renovations to her house. Can she possibly pay me in may? I didn't want to be heartless to her so I said ok. Big mistake. Because of what I have said, that very mth saw my finances in a mess. So I decided to take another loan to cover one loan. But little did I know that I will be getting myself into a big f***ing mess. Now I have the debt agency coming after me for repayments.

So yesterday, I called her and told her my situtation and hoping that she can help. Alas, the heartless creature in her emerge and she said that she wish she can help, but her hands are tied. She said that I should come clean with my hubby and tell him what happen. I was shocked by her words. Who is this woman who claims to be my best friend? Who claims that no matter what sort of trouble, be it emotional or financial, she would help me? If it's not because she needed the $3k urgently, I would not have taken the loan at all. I would have just taken a loan for myself to settle my own bills. I have finally seen her true colours as of yesterday. No matter how close our friendship is, I feel that it is over because, she have shown me her cunning, lying side of her. My two other gal frens, Jas and Meri are really true frens as both of them are trying to find ways to help me. Whereas, Su, you who claims to be my best, best friend, is leaving me in the lurch, just because your hands are tied. What type of excuse is this? I have no qualms in ending our friendship today, even though we are friends for 22 years. When you needed help urgently, who is the one who drops everything and come running to your aid? But now, I need your help and you just don't even give a damn about me. Is this what you called friendship? To me, true friendship is someone who is there for you, no matter what happens and will try to extend help to you even though it's impossible. She will go all the way for you when you least expected it. What Meri said to me is true. Why should I let her step all over me? This is not friendship at all. This is manipulation. She is a lying, cunning, stealing b***h. Do you know that she was expelled from Shatec because of stealing? She also stole my Guess watch, when she came over to my place one day. Not only that, she was fired from Guardian, because she stole from the cashier also. So I just don't know why did I still stand by her? Was it because I believe her? Or was it becoz I didn't have much frens back then? All I know now is that no matter how hard she have changed, she can never let her past be erased. And as of today, my friendship with her have ceased.

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