Wednesday, 24 January 2007

Tired....and sick....

I'm having a very bad cough now...just went to see the company doc and he says it throat inflammation...guess as much....coz on Monday, my throat started to feel very swollen...must be too much buffalo wings on Sunday @ now, I just need to drink loads of water, avoid the usual suspects, eg, oily, fried, sweet and other devils...hopefully it will get better soon.

It seems that the mgt of my company is deciding whether if they shld close down my dept as the shows we hv are just not making $$$...well, the shows will make money but the ppl is spending it like no tmr so that's a bit diffcult for the show to profit...and I also hv to shoot myself in the foot as the boat team ppl wants me to help them to chase contracts and after the meeting on monday, they also want me to assist in boat tech asia...sigh what did i get myself into???

Monday, 15 January 2007

True or False?

My so-called best friend called me just now and asked if I'm still angry with her. Honestly, yes. Why? Because she left me in the lurch when I needed help most. Then she told me that she did try to help me, by asking her friends for help. And she said that it's not fair for me to judge her so quickly. She also went on to say that she will never leave me in the lurch and nor would she let anything happen to my princess. Seriously, when she was saying all these things, I don't even gave a damn about what she is saying because 01) I can no longer trust her and 02) it may be bull shit for all I know. So after she finished her story, I just responded her question and hung up the fone. It's just so tiring for me to talk to her as I just don't feel like talking to her at all. Period. So why am I so stupid to call her? Well, part of me called to see what she wanted and part of me just want to tell her off. So it was done. But the best part was that she told me she might lose her job. I don't care if you lost your job or have another kid or remarry. All I want now is just to get my money back, money that you owed me and by hook or by crook, I will get it back no matter how long it takes.

Saturday, 13 January 2007

Lazy weekend...not quite though.....

This morning, lil princess woke me up at an unearthly hour...that was about 8+ am...well, it's not that unearthly, but still, to me it is as it's been a while since I can sleep in on a laze around in bed for awhile b4 getting up to make milk for her. While she is drinking her milk, we were both watching Barney in the morning...sigh.....then my parents came out and played with her for a while before changing to go downstairs for breakfast. Ok, I gotta tell u guys this. At this coffeeshop near my parents place, there is this malay stall. They sell curry puff, sardine puff, nasi lemak, mee siam, mee rebus and other malay food. My recommendation is the curry puff, which cost 4o cents per piece but the stuffing is really alot and the nasi lemak which is 2 bucks. It's damn good and whenever i send princess to school, i will walk past that stall to buy the curry puffs for my colleagues. After breakfast, we went back and rested for a while before heading down to tg pagar. lil princess have gotten phlegm in her throat and it's quite bad. So hv to bring her down to ger her medicine. Once that is done, we went down to Vivo City. Ok, when i went there for the first time, it was quite packed. This time, it was quite ok, as we were there early. After walking around and letting lil princess run around the playground, we decided to go for lunch. We went into this restaurant called Hong Kong Kim Gary, which serves baked rice and other stuff. It's quite good as my parents have been to the branch in M'sia. So they know what they wanted to eat. I've ordered the Fish fillet baked rice with cheese. When the dish came, it was quite good. The rice is fluffy, not like some baked rice which is too hard, the cheese is just nice and the sauce was not overwhelming. it was quite filling. After we had that, we went to ben & jerry's for ice-cream. I have to say, B&J is my all time favourite and my lil princess likes it too. Haha, guess both mother and daughter have good taste in ice-cream. After having a nice choc fudge, we went to toys r us where mom bought for her a leap frog toy. it teaches her phonics and I must say, leap frog is a good brand. then we headed home. So now, lil princess is asleep with hubby and I'm taking a rest before going out with my parents for dinner as we are celebrating my youngest bro bday. So this is not quite a lazy weekend i had in mind but so far, it's quite ok

Friday, 12 January 2007

Rainy day........

It's been raining the whole day today and I'm on MC I went home to clean up the place and after it's done, I went to Buddy Hodges for lunch. This is a great place to chill out as it's quiet and quite cozy. They serve grilled salmon, which is quite a big piece, pasta, beefeaters, and other stuff. The prices are quite reasonable too. If you guys want to have a try, it's located at Nee Soon South C.C. It's a pity I can only enjoy this moment to myself only when I'm on MC or on leave. After my lunch, I went to ABC to get a packet of french beans as my hubby would like to have spiced pork cubes with french beans. I thought up of this recipe as one day, there was nothing but french beans and a can spiced pork cubes. So I decided to cut up the beans and fry the pork cubes with the beans. When hubby ate it, he loved it and told me to cook it whenever I have the chance.. So later, I will be cooking that and steaming fish and broccoli for princess. Hubby would like this type of home-cooked food. I think it's about time I start to brush up my cooking. My oven is not being used often and so is my mixer...hmm maybe I should try my hand at making pineapple tarts....I just saw the recipe in the magazine, Today Parents. Yup...I think I should do that....

Thursday, 11 January 2007

How hypocritical can one get?

I just hypocritical can one be? Why do I say that? Well, it's becoz of her. Yes, the woman who claims to be my BFF. On Tues, I hv called her and asked if she can return the money that I have loan her and guess what she said? Yup, the same thing. She doesn't have the cash right now and there is no way that anyone is going to lend her such a big sum of money...unless that person is veri stupid to do that. Well, I was that stupid person to do that first. Then she asked if her brother can take another loan from Ezcash and I said no. Coz they won't lend you the money if you have not finish repaying the first loan that is taken out. She seems skeptical abt what I said, so she decided to ask her brother to make enquiries. Later her brother got back to her and said the same thing that I have told her. She then call me up to tell me that her brother can't take another loan and said that her brother scolded her, thinking that she is in trouble. Hello??!!! I didn't ask you to be soooooo stupid and ask your brother. Why don't you believe what I have just told you. Now you are trying to make it look like it's my fault that your brother scolded. Only you would be so stupid to ask him this question when it's so obvious. So I told her that I'm busy now and will call her back, which I didn't as I don't even want to waste my time to talk to her at all.

Yesterday, I managed to get a loan and have made partial payment on my debt. When I was taking my loan, she called me again. I told her that I will call her back, which I didn't. Then in the evening, she called me at my mom's place and started to ask me all sorts of questions, like how am I going to repay the loan so on and so forth. I was getting quite irritated by her already so I just replied her snappishly. She then asked why am I so snappish, which I told her that she have caught me at the wrong time. She then said ok, and asked me to call her back. I just wonder why she did not go into sales line as she is very thick-skin. After hanging up the fone, i called Meri and told her what happen. Meri said that she is very hypocritical as she jolly well know that I'm trying to find money to pay off my debts and she is pretending to feel for me but doing nothing. She told me don't waste my time talking to this type of person already, which I agreed. Anyway, my frenship with her is over already, so it does not matter to me if she is dead or alive. All that matters now is for me to quickly settle all my debts... as I do not want this to affect my family, especially lil princess in any way.

Tuesday, 9 January 2007

She who claims to be my best friend.......

She, my best friend, said that she would come to my aid when I need help or when I'm in trouble. Over the years, I have given her numerous help, be it emotional or financial. And when she got married, she insisted that I must attend her wedding, even though I told her I can't go as my grandma had passed away and I was in mourning. She was not happy, so I relented and just attended for a short while. When she got pregnant, she says that I'm to be her child's godma. When I got married, she came over and helped me with my wedding. But the funny thing is, 2 of my angbaos went missing, as she was helping me to keep them. I have suspected that she have pocketed it but she insisted that she did not see them at all. I just kept quiet and thought maybe it might have fallen out. And when I had my gal, she wanted to be her godma, so I said ok. I was thinking to myself, at least it's quite fair as her son is my godson. Then one day, she said that she needed to borrow $3k as she have taken a cash advance from her credit card to help her mother to pay off the debt that her brother had incurred and she didn't want to let her husband know. I was thinking, $3k is alot of money. Should I lend it to her? So I went to take a personal loan of $6k, which $3k is to help her. She have agreed to give me back $100 per month at first, which was ok with me as she is taking 1/2 the loan. But as the months went by, she said that $100 was too much for her, can she pay me %50 instead? I told her, it's not possible as I also have commitments and she have to pay $100. She begged and pleaded, and finally I agreed. Then came her house. She have just bought s 5-rm flat in punggol field and was doing her renovations. She then told me that she can't pay me in mar and apr as she is doing renovations to her house. Can she possibly pay me in may? I didn't want to be heartless to her so I said ok. Big mistake. Because of what I have said, that very mth saw my finances in a mess. So I decided to take another loan to cover one loan. But little did I know that I will be getting myself into a big f***ing mess. Now I have the debt agency coming after me for repayments.

So yesterday, I called her and told her my situtation and hoping that she can help. Alas, the heartless creature in her emerge and she said that she wish she can help, but her hands are tied. She said that I should come clean with my hubby and tell him what happen. I was shocked by her words. Who is this woman who claims to be my best friend? Who claims that no matter what sort of trouble, be it emotional or financial, she would help me? If it's not because she needed the $3k urgently, I would not have taken the loan at all. I would have just taken a loan for myself to settle my own bills. I have finally seen her true colours as of yesterday. No matter how close our friendship is, I feel that it is over because, she have shown me her cunning, lying side of her. My two other gal frens, Jas and Meri are really true frens as both of them are trying to find ways to help me. Whereas, Su, you who claims to be my best, best friend, is leaving me in the lurch, just because your hands are tied. What type of excuse is this? I have no qualms in ending our friendship today, even though we are friends for 22 years. When you needed help urgently, who is the one who drops everything and come running to your aid? But now, I need your help and you just don't even give a damn about me. Is this what you called friendship? To me, true friendship is someone who is there for you, no matter what happens and will try to extend help to you even though it's impossible. She will go all the way for you when you least expected it. What Meri said to me is true. Why should I let her step all over me? This is not friendship at all. This is manipulation. She is a lying, cunning, stealing b***h. Do you know that she was expelled from Shatec because of stealing? She also stole my Guess watch, when she came over to my place one day. Not only that, she was fired from Guardian, because she stole from the cashier also. So I just don't know why did I still stand by her? Was it because I believe her? Or was it becoz I didn't have much frens back then? All I know now is that no matter how hard she have changed, she can never let her past be erased. And as of today, my friendship with her have ceased.

Thursday, 4 January 2007

It's the New Year.....

Came back from Msia on Tuesday and it was quite fun. But now, the new year have just started and although it's only the 4th day of the year, it seems like there is just so much to be done....

Anyway, when we left for KL on Sat, lil princess was just so happy. We arrive into KL at 6+ in the evening and when she saw Uncle Simon, she quickly run into his arms and called loudly Gong Gong. Funny thing is, she prefers him to Aunt Karen. Well, I guess she knows that Uncle Simon dotes on her alot and after we settled down, he brought us to one ulu place for dinner. I've been there before and man, the food is realli good!!! But too bad it's in the industrial area and not in the town area. When we arrived, hubby asked if the food is good and I told him that when I said it's good, it's good. Period. The thing about our family is, we know how to suss out good food and will not fail to recomend it to friends and relatives. So after stuffing my face with all the yummy food, hubby turned around said that the food is realli good. But too bad they do not have a branch in S'pore. Hahaha. If they do have it, I don't think the standard would be the same. After dinner, we went home to rest coz on Sunday, we are going to shop the whole day!!!

On Sunday morning, when I got up, lil princess got up too. So after my shower, I brought her to the playground for her to run around. When she had enuff fun, we went out for breakfast. After breakfast, we rested for a while, and lil princess took her bath, preparing to go out. Uncle Simon brought us to this huge shopping mall, called 1 Utama. It's damn huge as they have got a new wing and an old wing. While walking around, hubby saw that Bossini was having a sale, which all items are 50% off. So we went in to see and he bought himself 2 shirts for RM89. That is like only S$40. It's realli cheap as each shirt cost RM 89. So he was pretty pleased with himself for getting a good deal. After that we walked around for a while before going to a restuarant to eat. Hubby told me not to each so much but I told him that my purpose for coming in is to eat, eat and eat. So he have no choice but to keep quiet. After lunch, we shopped somemore and this time, I walked into the Padini boutique and bought myself a shirt for only RM 71.10, which is like only S$31. The thing is, they do not have this store in Singapore so everytime when I'm in KL, I would only buy the clothes from there. It's not a matter of being cheap but they have got my size and cutting so why waste money at other stores? After all the shopping, we headed back home to rest for awhile before heading down to Uncle Tony & Uncle Paul's coffee shop. (FYI, Uncle Simon is daddy's 2nd brother while Uncle Paul is daddy's youngest brother. Uncle Tony is Aunt Mary's hubby, who by the way, is daddy's cousin.) So when we arrive at the shop, we ordered mine and every one's all time fav - KL Hokkien Mee. For those who do not know what KL Hokkien Mee is, it's a dish that is being fried with thick yellow noodles with black sauce, veg and meat. And to top it off, deep fried pork fat. Yes, it's that sinful and that good. When hubby tried, he could not believe that it tasted so damn good. Hahaha, I think hubby is going to be like me, a foodie pig. When dinner was finished, we crossed over to TESCO, which is a giant hypermart. When I say giant, I mean it. Me and hubby literally went gaga over the stuff coz they were so cheap. Like that diapers, which only cost S$12 and wipes, S$3. So after shopping, we headed back to Uncle Simon's place to do our countdown. When midnite strike, we wished each other happy new year. Lil princess was still wide awake until we have to chase her into the room to sleep.

Monday morning came and when lil princess got up, the first thing she said was "playground". Well, I got up also and changed her but told her that we will only go playground after breakfast. So we went out to have our breakfast and after that, went back to rest a while. My cousin, Stephanie, brought her out to the playground while I still in to do Sudoku. It's quite interesting as it reali makes me use my grey cells. So a while, I got up and called her back into the house for her bath and we went down to Times Square. Upon arriving at Times Square, there were just so many levels that I wonder is that a shopping center or an office. There are at least 10 levels of shops and one huge amusement park in the centre itself. When lil princess saw the huge park, she wanted to go in and play but I promise her that the next trip, I will spend the whole day there. She was not happy but she understood as we can't spend one whole day there and not shop. So after staying there for 20 mins to let her look around, we walked around Times Square before heading over the Sungei Wang Plaza. The place still looks the same, packed with people as always. After staying there for a while, we headed back to rest. It is quite convinent as the there is a train station in front of the plaza. So it's quite a good way to get around KL town.

On Tuesday morning, we got up, drove down to PJ town for breakfast. After having a damn good breakfast, we went back to Uncle Simon's place to pack and let lil princess play at the playground for the last time. Then we left for S'pore after saying our goodbyes. But we made a short detour to Aunt Linda's place as we got news that Grand Uncle in Sabah have passed away due to stroke and Dad wanted to find out more. So we drop by her place and talked for abt 1/2 hr before going off. On the journey back, lil princess was playing and I was slowly nodding off but she kept calling me, "Mummy, wake up!". After trying to stay awake for 10 mins, lil princess jsut dozed off, so did I.

We reached back Spore abt 6+ in the evening and surprise! there was no jam at all. I guess everyone is afriad to go in due to the floods but as long as you don't travel by the old road, it shld not be a problem. Overall, we had a great new year in KL and I can't wait to go back in again. This time to do my own shopping, and that is going to be in Feb. I will be going in wz Jas and for 3 whole days, we will just eat and shop....Hmm...maybe can get my uncle to drive us to that ulu place for dinner.....