Well, today is the first day of the new year and it was okay. I guess that's because I'm growing old or because I'm married and have a kid, that's why the new year is not really fantastic. But nevertheless, looking back at 2007, it was really an up and down year for me. Well, mostly down becoz it made me open my eyes to a friendship, which I thought was worth it but at the end of day is not. Not only that, it has also taught me to be more wary of other people who claim be the very best of friend but when at a crucial moment, they just bail out like rats. But there was also some ups, like having a mini windfall in TOTO, which was like so unbelievable, as I have never won anything before. And also got to make new friends and colleagues. So all in all, it was quite an okay year on 2007.
As for resolutions, there is only one this year and it's to lose weight and get back in shape. So my hubby suggested that I draw up a contract to set a target on how much weight to lose and also how long. Dunno where he got this idea but it may be worth a try. We'll see if at the end of the year I will lose those post pregnancy pounds..... :)